Expert tips for building your 2020 LinkedIn marketing strategy

A few decades ago, inbound marketing was utterly a brand new idea for marketers. With this change, marketers learned they couldn’t just publish a high volume of content, but the contents must be of high quality and optimized in various ways, making it rank higher on search engines. The contents were limited to blog posts or books during those days, but today we have videos, visual acid, and podcasts. However, among all of them, videos are seeing a huge demand.

In fact, a study has revealed that almost 45% of the marketers preferred to invest more on YouTube. This makes YouTube an essential marketing channel one can use. However, for YouTube marketing, one needs to be extra careful with the type of content they are posting or how they are optimizing their videos to reach the masses. But how does YouTube SEO work? Or what are the necessary steps you need to take for optimizing your YouTube channel? Here are some of the tips you need to consider.

  1. Rename your video using a target keyword

Just like you have been optimizing your written content, use an SEO tool first to identify the keywords you want your video to focus on. Once you have identified the right one, the first place to include them should be in the video file. Why? This is because the YouTube channel cannot review your video to know how relevant it is to your target keyword, but it can read your video’s file name and all the codes associated with it when uploaded. Therefore, it can be said that using target keywords in the video name is good for your YouTube marketing.

  1. Place keywords naturally in the video title

When anyone searches for videos, the first thing they see is the title. In fact, it’s the title that determines if the viewers will click to watch a video or not. Therefore the title you are using must be not only compelling but also short and clear.

No doubt the keyword plays an essential role in your video titles, but it will help you research what viewers are searching for. This will help you target your keywords and come up with the title that your viewers will prefer.

  1. Optimize your video description

As per Google, the character limit for your YouTube video description is 1000 characters. While you are free to use all of that space, you must remember that your users are here to watch the video but not read an essay. In case you go for writing longer descriptions, you must know that YouTube only displays the first two or three lines, which is only a hundred characters. This is why front-loading descriptions with all the vital information is advised.

For a good YouTube SEO, you must optimize the video first and add a transcript of the video, especially for those who have to watch the video without volume.

  1. Upload a customized thumbnail image for your videos result link

Your video thumbnail is the main picture the viewers will see while scrolling through the search results. Along with the title, the thumbnails give the viewers a signal about the content and thud it impacts the number of clicks and views.

While you have the option to pick a thumbnail option auto-generated by YouTube, it is advisable to upload a customized thumbnail for better results.

  1. Use an SRT file to add subtitles and closed captions

Just like the other text, closed caption and subtitles can efficiently boost Your YouTube SEO while highlighting all the essential keywords. To add a subtitle or closed caption, you need to upload an unsupported text transcript or a timed subtitles file. For the subtitles, you have the option to directly enter a transcript text for your video so that the video auto-syncs with the transcript.

  1. Add cards and end screens to increase the viewership

While watching a video, you might have noticed a small white circular item with an I written in the center appearing in the corner asking you to subscribe to the channel. These are deep cards described as perforated notifications appearing on a mobile or desktop, which can be set for efficient YouTube marketing.

By adding cards for end screens, you are basically asking the viewers to subscribe to your channel for other videos or for more information; you want them to know that this will help you increase your viewership over time.

Key Takeaways-

YouTube marketing can be simple if you continuously test and optimize your videos according to the trends and viewers’ experience. Though all the tips mentioned above might seem time-consuming and complicated, with the number of audiences increasing on YouTube, it has become essential to optimize your YouTube videos to be discovered and increase your channel rating. Follow the tips, and in a short time, you will achieve your goal.