- BY braincandy
- POSTED IN Digital Marketing

Twitter is an incredible microblogging website connecting people through messaging. It has been immensely popular since its inception in the last decade having millions of users engaged. The interactive website can also be used for marketing besides mere communication.
Implementing the correct strategies can be constructive in great marketing using twitter. The first tip for effective marketing lies in choosing a pertinent username depending on what you want to promote. A fantastic marketing point to be remembered is that the profile should be interesting and well thought of to begin with. After a perfect profile and username in place, the next thing to excel in marketing is the tweet contents. The tweets should be well planned making them crisp and compulsive. Regular tweeting and responding to others helps to garner a lot of followers in no time. Following brands, relevant and significant to your business can give you an idea about how to project your profile. Using hashtags can bring you to the notice of trendsetters along with getting more followers on your profile. Additionally, engaging with influencers or retweeting posts can be beneficial to your brand. When you are doing a conversation with experts’ it becomes more arresting if you use various media types like videos, pictures or even animated gifs, since it builds an everlasting impression on them and you want yourself to be remembered. Organizing campaigns or events is a useful technique when it comes to promoting your brand image and there is no better way to do it than with the help of twitter.
Twitter marketing is an extremely valuable way of advertising yourself or your brand. It is both effortless as well as far-reaching because people are nowadays becoming more technologically adept. So, following these simple yet powerful tricks you can also become an exceptional marketing spearhead.