- BY braincandy
- POSTED IN Social Media Marketing

Many novice start up owners or business owners who have recently made the transition from physical shop to an Ecommerce venture dealing in traditional commodities and ventures express exaggerated enthusiasm in a bid to leave no stone unturned. No doubt that they convey the fact that they have done their homework well and are well researched, but there is method to madness. And when it is a strategic ploy you wish to implement or kickstart for later returns, it requires more than just method but also reasoning, relevance and should satisfy the main objective of the business. But more than all, it requires acute visionary foresight and understanding of the future before it unfolds.
The first step: Identifying your target audience.
The Internet is also known as a combined digital medium and on the Internet are hosted numerous websites, each of which serve as a digital platform for communication and expression. So what digital platforms would one choose for their business from among the host of options available would be determined solely by what sort of audience they cater to. For example to break things down very simply, to exploit the digital media for maximum returns, a brand presence needs to be present where its consumers are. So before you begin to identify media outlets which suit your brand presence, the first step would be to define our target audience and consumer base. Because a business is only as successful as the more consumers it attracts.
The second step: Identify where the chunk of your consumers throng or frequent or are present most of the times.
Let us assume the business venture offers professional Resume Writing services. In such a scenario, while Facebook & Instagram may add some mileage as far as publicity is concerned they are secondary platforms compared to LinkedIn which is a platform for professional collaborators and will definitely find more constructive application and use of the services offered than any other social networking platform. Hence it makes sense for such a brand to dedicate majority of its efforts on strengthening its roots on LinkedIn networking than Facebook or Instagram. Likewise, there are numerous business verticals for which Facebook and Instagram or even Twitter would be a much better suit as marketing and promotional platforms.
The Third step: Create scope for your consumers to identify and engage with your brand.
Once the first two steps are taken care of, a business proprietor has more clarity in the business vision and objective. With the appropriate venues for strengthening brand presence and increasing already identified, now one needs to take a strong, comparative analysis of their competition in the same platforms and what they are up to to keep their fans engaged. Now you are prepared to chart out a plan of strategy for fleshing out your brands activities on the platforms you have chosen, that sets your brand apart from the competition and what they are offering. This way you will not only attract attention for being who you are, but this initial traction will also go a long way in cementing the foundation of your brand’s future success. However it is important to remember, each digital platform irrespective of the ones that you shortlist, should be treated differently as a separate medium of instruction or communication. It is when you treat each platform separately and create separate plan of action for captivating audiences, that your content becomes relatable, attractive and liked. Moreover, while Facebook supports all forms of content to be catapulted to viral success, Instagram is more about visual content and Twitter is about brevity being the soul of the wit, with repetitive tactfulness. So choose wisely and plan ever wiser you brand’s road to success.
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